Therapeutic Services

I offer individual psychotherapy counselling services for people aged 19 and over. My services are available to any individual regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation.

Counselling and psychotherapy provides a one-of-a-kind relationship that is different from confiding in friends or family.

​As your therapist, I am here to join you in understanding whatever it is that you’re struggling with no matter what you’re feeling, thinking, or may have done in your life. I specialize in the following areas:



Major depressive disorder, low self-esteem, loss/relationship induced, behavioral interventions resistant.



Generalized anxiety disorder, problematic hyper-vigilance, phobias, OCD.



Substance use and harm reduction management



Adverse childhood experience, PTSD, abuse, neglect.

Sexual Health


Intimacy issues, guilt/shame, negative judgment between sexual desires and perceived norms, compulsive sexual behaviors.

Purpose and Identity


Existential crisis, general lack of satisfaction in life, persistent feelings of inadequacies (personal and/or professional).