
While my approach is integrative of modern theories and techniques, it heavily relies on Psychodynamic theories and practice.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is a highly individualized treatment whose goal is not only to alleviate the most obvious symptoms… It relies on the fact that our personalities are uniquely shaped by several developmental stages. What happens when we are infants, children, adolescents, and young adults affects the way we see the world, the types of relationships that we have and the way we feel about ourselves and in relation to others.


This approach is a collaborative, interactive and intensive therapy that explores the internal sources of emotional difficulties in great depth. It assists people in overcoming longstanding personal struggles or self-defeating patterns that have been resistant to change. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy brings to light personal experiences which often remain unacknowledged or whose meanings feel unclear and/or uncomfortable.

In this kind of therapy, a “one size fits all” prescriptive is not thought to be useful in producing lasting change. Rather, the treatment aims at revealing and resolving the conflicts that are driving the symptoms.
